Tuesday, July 22, 2008

4th of July weekend

Here we all are at Mom and Dad Tenney's. We were actually winding down the weekend. A most excellent weekend, I must say! Carsen is opening his presents with all his cousins there to support him. I really tried to buy him gifts that didn't entail video games or T.V. and anything electronic. So poor Carsen got mostly books. He loves to read books right before bed. I think he got like 8 books, some toys from cousins and Magnetix. He was happy though, so yippie to me!
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One of the funnest and funniest things that we did is pictured here. Candi and Jared had a family reunion up in Idaho and wanted to try out their game they made up on us. This game entailed all the 'brothers' (oh, and Tom Despain) starting out in a circle. The object of the game was to get everyone elses shoes off without yours being taken off. This went on for about 15 minutes. It was hallarious.

Once again showing 'Boys will be Boys'
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Here are some cousins playing games. Katie, Logan, Cara, and Tayhlar.
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We arrived in Prescott on Thursday night late. The next morning we woke up and filled about 350 ballons with water for the kids to play with Saturday. I wasn't realy excited to get out there and head up the fun. But Uncle Rich took charge and really got into it, a little too much. He started pelting the adults on the porch, adults with babies in their arms. Rich!!!!!
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Carsen's 5th!

Yep, It's the 4th of July again and Carsen is a year older. This was actually taken on the 5th, but he'll never know. This is the 2nd attempt at blowing out the candles. The first time Scottie got to it first. Carsen, you need to be faster than the Scottster. We had all the 'Tenney' cousins up in Prescott and we all got together for the 4th and 5th of July. We ate ribs, played games, got wet. Mom and Dad were in Utah and offered their house. It was the best time!
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Here we are taking a little break on the bears. Jacob, Katie, Carsen, and Kelsey (my helper).

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Here's Mickey!!!

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So here we are at Disneyland in the Tea Cups. WooWhoo!
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